Sortlist+ Visibility Module advertises and positions your profile on our directories. This is the module designed to send potential clients to your profile, where they can explore your works and contact you themselves.
How to activate your module? Set your budget
To activate your visibility module, just define a maximum monthly budget based on your objectives and capacity to take on new business.
Then from this budget you pay per click to your profile from our directories, search, and the homepage: meaning you only pay for the visibility you’re actually getting.
You can always decide to increase or decrease your maximum monthly budget from one month to another, and you stay in control of your expenditure, as you will never be invoiced more than the maximum monthly budget you’ve set.
When you reach this maximum, you are removed from our sponsored listing. It means the amount of directories where you can be found is limited and your ranking is affected negatively.
Where will I appear?
You are not limited in the number of services or prospect areas you can activate. Make sure they are relevant to you and adapted to your objectives.
You are sponsored on relevant pages based on your profile and on your Target Markets.
How Cost Per Click is calculated
Cost per click follows the same philosophy as google adwords, varying based on competition and giving preference to relevant results to improve user experience and conversion.
Concretely, cost per click (CPC) varies from one page to another depending on:
Market baseline (taken from Google Ads)
Your relevance to the page (the more relevant, the lower the price)
Competition (the higher the competition, the higher the price).
The CPC prices start at €0.5 and can go up to €10 in very competitive markets.
Contact your Account Manager where you can go through a tool that allows you to predict your average CPC based on your positioning.
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Invoices are automatically sent at the end of each billing period based on your actual consumption. That is to say: the actual number of clicks on your profile.
So if you added €1000 to your visibility module, but only received clicks amounting to €500 in value, you will be invoiced for €500 and €500 will remain in your account to spend going forwards.
To sum up, we've gathered all the important information regarding the Visibility Module in the following video:
Questions? Get in touch about Sortlist+
If you have any questions about Sortlist+ Visibility click below, and we'd be happy to answer them.