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The Sortlist Client Process: How Does It Work? - International Markets
Anne-Gaëlle Sy avatar
Written by Anne-Gaëlle Sy
Updated over a week ago

💡 If you are based in Belgium, France, Spain, The Netherlands, Germany, or the MENA region, please refer to our other article describing the Sortlist Client Process for our European markets.

Just like 78,000 before you, you are on your way to finding the perfect service provider with Sortlist.

But maybe there is something holding you back for now.

In case you have any doubts or hesitations, we’re here to break down the process for you. Here’s our guide to explain to you how finding the right service provider with Sortlist works, what you can expect throughout the process, how to make the final choice, and best of all explain to you how this is all free.

4 Steps To Finding Your Service Provider With Sortlist

Here are the 4 simple steps to finding your perfect match with Sortlist.

Creating the brief

Once you get to the end of your brief, you can have the option to either keep it as a draft, or publish it. Here’s what those two options mean for you:

Publishing your project or keeping it as a draft

Keeping a project in draft form

By keeping your project in draft, you’ll have access to your new Sortlist account where you can take your time to finish your brief. Here you’ll also be able to read and watch a few testimonials of some of our previous clients as well as navigate through our FAQs for any doubts you may have.

If your briefing score is relatively low, you may be contacted by one of our advisors to help you complete the brief or to answer any doubts you may have.

Publishing your project

By publishing your project you’re just a few clicks away from finding your perfect match! Within the first 6 hours of publishing your project, you will start to receive applications from service providers interested in collaborating with you.

Please note that this is not a fixed engagement nor are you under any obligation to the providers. You can discover their profiles, portfolios, and range of expertises, and meet with them at your own pace before making your final choice.

The whole process on our platform is also 100% free of charge.

You will gain access to our fully personalized matchmaking service to find the most suitable service provider. Your project will be sent over to service providers and you’ll receive a maximum of 4 applications to review, although you can always request more options if you are not satisfied with the initial round of service providers.

Meeting the service providers

Once you publish your project, it will be sent to service providers who we feel fit best with your requirements.

Once we get confirmation from those who are interested in collaborating with you, you will receive an email and text message with a personalized introductory e-mail from the service provider (4 maximum at first). The message will invite you to view their application which includes:

  • A brief introduction

  • Their contact information as well as a link to book a call

  • A link to their Sortlist profile

  • A few examples of previous works

  • And some latest reviews from previous clients

Remember that our services for you are 100% free of charge and any meeting you have with a service provider has no cost, we only ask you to respond to the providers that get in touch with you by clicking on the thumb up or thumb down button of their application.

Further down the line, if you have any meetings set up with a service provider, please try your best to attend said meeting and if for any reason you can no longer attend, make sure to re-schedule in advance.

The final choice

You have found your perfect match! It is time to close your project. Make sure to let the other providers which you may have spoken with that you will unfortunately not be proceeding with them via your preferred method of communication.

If you are having a hard time making the final decision, you can always send us a message via the intercom at the bottom of your service provider list. We can provide you with further guidance or present you with other service providers if you are not yet fully convinced.

Who are the Sortlist service providers, and how do we choose them?

The Sortlist service provider

With more than 53,600 service providers in over 150 countries, Sortlist offers an extensive range of options from which you’re sure to find the perfect match.

We have a service provider for every need; expertise, size, specialized industry, budget, and location.

This number may seem overwhelming, but our AI algorithm filters out the ones that are perfect for you and provide you with a list.

The algorithm

The purpose of the algorithm is to help you filter through the service providers that fit certain criteria of your project brief.

It evaluates providers based on certain factors and assigns them a ranking score. These factors include:

  1. Whether or not the provider is specialized in the expertise of your brief (e.g. graphic design, online advertising, etc.)

  2. If they speak at least one of the languages you have requested

  3. They are located in a limited radius of your preferred location (if specified)

  4. They have previous works in your budget range

Your list of service providers

Your list of service providers is unique to your project. The list only displays providers that meet the criteria you have specified for the project.

As mentioned before, your complete list of providers will be the one generated by our AI algorithm.

The service providers can either accept or reject the project, but must pay a fee to be considered a candidate. This ensures that only the providers who are truly interested and capable of delivering will accept the project.

This approach saves you a significant amount of time, as you can be confident that the service providers on the list are well-suited to the task.

They will be introduced to you personally via e-mail with a personalized message and their application for you to take a look at.

How and why Sortlist is 100% free for clients?

Is it really free?

Our platform is 100% free for project holders like you. At no part in the process of selecting a service provider will you be charged nor asked for payment details.

So how does Sortlist make money?

Sortlist charges its providers for the service we provide them with. They can receive two kinds of benefits from being a Sortlist-verified service provider for which they pay:

  1. Visibility - Providers can decide whether they would like to appear on our directory for which they pay on a CPC basis.

  2. Opportunity - The service provider is presented with opportunities (projects) once you decided to contact them, and pay for the ones they wish to be considered for.

How does the client benefit from this model?


With the opportunity model, service providers are only required to pay a fee if they would like to be considered for your project and have a meeting with you.

This ensures we get specialists for your project.

How? By charging a fee for this opportunity, providers are incentivized to only pursue projects they are confident they can win because of their expertise, and they match your criteria.

To illustrate, let's consider an extreme case: a graphic design agency would never apply for a web design project. Not only would they be unlikely to win your trust, but their fee would also be lost. The same applies to the finer details of the project brief. For instance, if you're looking for influencer marketing, a non-specialist agency would be unlikely to apply. They would find it challenging to compete with providers that specialize in this field and have extensive experience in it. In such a scenario, non-specialist providers would also risk losing their fee.

We always limit the number of service providers that can apply per project as not to overwhelm the client with options. With this limit, it is in our best interest as well to select the right providers for the projects for them to apply to the opportunity.


With the visibility package, service providers pay to be seen, but you have the control to make the choice. The directory provides a full list of verified providers that have paid for increased visibility. If you find a service provider that meets your project requirements, you can send them a direct briefing from their profile.

How Sortlist can help you find a service provider in 72 hours

Our history

Since 2014, we've been committed to helping businesses find their perfect service provider match. Last year, we had the privilege of helping over 78,000 project posters, just like you, to find their ideal service partner.

Our clients have included some of the world's leading companies, such as Nescafé, KAYAK, Al Jazeera, Grammarly, and Air France. But also some more local enterprises trying to get started such as Outboxe, a small boxing studio in Paris, or Aimmoz, a start-up real estate agency.

Time saver

Over the past few years, we have worked tirelessly to develop the best possible product to connect businesses with marketing agencies. By combining the knowledge of our experts and data analysis, we help both sides save valuable time and money on fruitless searches and unsuccessful collaborations.

By telling us your specific needs, you can skip the tedious task of scrolling through Google to find a service provider that meets your needs. Instead, we'll do the research for you and present you with a tailor-made list of service providers that are perfect for your project.

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